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344 days remaining to submit papers to MechaniTek 2026 in Antalya, Turkey
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Summary Information of Prof. Daoud Berkani
Name Prof. Daoud Berkani
Affiliation Ecole Nationale Polytechnique,
Biography D. Berkani received the engineer diploma and Master degree with Red Award from the Polytechnic Institute of Kiev in 1977, then the Magister and Sc.D. degrees from the National Polytechnic School (NPS), Algiers. In 1979, he became Lecturer, Associated Professor then full Professor teaching signal processing and information theory in the Department of Electronics of the NPS. During this period, his research activities involved the applications of signal processing and source coding theory. In 1992, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering of University of Sherbrook, Canada, where he taught signal processing. He was a member of the speech coding team of the University of Sherbrook. He has been conducting research in the area of speech coding and speech processing in adverse conditions. In 1995, he backs to the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of NPS. His current research interests include signal and communications, information theory concepts, clustering and adaptive algorithms, applied to speech and image processing. He is author of more than 150 papers
User Since Thursday, 2 August 2012
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Published Papers of Prof. Daoud Berkani
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
34.Cnf-435Ms. Faiza Mekhalfa
Prof. Daoud Berkani
Comparison of fractal compression methods impact on radiographic images of weld defects
MIC-CCA 201212-14 October 2012 in Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Chairings of Prof. Daoud Berkani
Conference Committees of Prof. Daoud Berkani
Paper Reviews by Prof. Daoud Berkani
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Conference Talks by Prof. Daoud Berkani