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Summary Information of Dr. Iman Almomani
Name Dr. Iman Almomani
Affiliation University of Jordan,
Topics Wireless Ad hoc Networks
Network Security and Privacy
Biography Iman Musa Almomani received her B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from UAE University (UAE), M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from the University of Jordan (Jordan). Iman then worked at the University of Jordan as a Lecturer. After that she got her Ph.D. degree from De Montfort University, UK, in 2007. She is currently an assistant professor in Computer Science Department, King Abdullah II School for Information Technology at the University of Jordan. Her research interests include wireless mobile ad hoc networks (WMANETs) and security issues in wireless networks. Iman is also a member of IEEE.
User Since Monday, 1 November 2010
User Page Views 147
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.14
Conference Registration Discount 3.06%
Published Papers of Dr. Iman Almomani
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
14.Cnf-50Dr. Iman Almomani
Ms. Maryam Al-Sharief
Ms. Rawa'a Aljabaly
Building reputation of suspicious nodes in cluster-based intrusion detection system for wireless sensors networks
MIC-CNIT 200921-23 December 2009 in Amman, Jordan
14.Cnf-51Dr. Iman Almomani
Ms. Ola Karajeh
Ms. Lamya Abdullah
Pre-authenticator and adaptive window-based DoS containing scheme for broadcast authentication in wireless sensor networks
MIC-CNIT 200921-23 December 2009 in Amman, Jordan
Conference Chairings of Dr. Iman Almomani
Conference Committees of Dr. Iman Almomani
Program Committees
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Mesh, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks (MAS)MIC-CNIT 201116-18 December 2011 in Dubai, UAE
Paper Reviews by Dr. Iman Almomani
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Dr. Iman Almomani has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
MIC- 1970
Conference Talks by Dr. Iman Almomani