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Update on Sunday, 24 December 2023: Paper 12.Cnf-88 reaches 1229 views and 463 downloads.
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Summary Information of Dr. Rene Jativa
Name Dr. Rene Jativa
Affiliation Universidad San Francisco de Quito,
Topics Space-Time Signal Processing
Channel Estimation
Biography Electronics engineer (1992) by Escuela Politécnica del Ejército (ESPE) in Quito - Ecuador; DEA (2000) and PhD (2017) by Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya in Barcelona - Spain. Currently and since 2003, professor and researcher of Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador in charge of the classes of stochastic processes, statistics for engineering, theory of communications, comunication systems, wireless communications, optical communications and basic electronics. Research interests include signal and communications theory, statistical signal processing, wireless communications, signal estimation, mobile subscriber location an machine learning.
User Since Monday, 11 October 2021
User Page Views 40
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.214
Conference Registration Discount 4.64%
Published Papers of Dr. Rene Jativa
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
62.Cnf-1185Mr. Anthony Salazar
Prof. Germán Arévalo
Dr. Rene Jativa
Propagation, blocking and coverage in urban 5G wireless networks at FR1 and FR2 bands
MIC-Telecom 202110-12 December 2021 in Valencia, Spain
Conference Chairings of Dr. Rene Jativa
Conference Committees of Dr. Rene Jativa
Paper Reviews by Dr. Rene Jativa
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Dr. Rene Jativa has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
SPCMIC-Signals 2021
Conference Talks by Dr. Rene Jativa