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Summary Information of Ms. Rania Bakeir
Name Ms. Rania Bakeir
Affiliation Yarmouk University,
Biography With the advent of the Internet, many business concepts and theories are reshaping to adapt to with this big wave. This paper explored the concepts of IPTV to focus more on case of implementing it in Arabic market The study utilized strategic studies, technical studies and comparing Arabic to Indian market . The study used frame work to generate qualitative data that help in analyzing the market and understand its concepts. The output of this paper is aimed at helping firms gain some new directions and insights towards a better strategies and new venues to serve their customers better. Lessons learned from the literature, other countries, and organizations in relation to IPTV helped in recommending some new strategies that helped in improving their position in the market after implementing them. Also, recommendations of this work added new important elements that sustain a competitive advantage for the Arabic market
User Since Saturday, 12 February 2011
User Page Views 150
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0
Conference Registration Discount 0%
Published Papers of Ms. Rania Bakeir
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
24.Cnf-85Ms. Rania Bakeir
IPTV technology applying in the Jordanian market technical and strategic study
MIC-BEN 20119-11 September 2011 in Amman, Jordan
Conference Chairings of Ms. Rania Bakeir
Conference Committees of Ms. Rania Bakeir
Paper Reviews by Ms. Rania Bakeir
Mosharaka appreciates highly that Ms. Rania Bakeir has provided paper reviews at the tracks and conferences shown in the following table

Track Conference
MIC- 1970
Conference Talks by Ms. Rania Bakeir