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Update on 7 July 2020: Dr. Manuel Alcazar-Ortega becomes Track Chairperson of EPS@MIC-Power 2020.
International Congress on Engineering Technologies (EngiTek 2026)
3-5 April 2026, Antalya, Turkey
Conferences Links
  • Introduction
  • Author Kit
  • Submissions
  • Events
  • Welcome
  • Why EngiTek 2026?
  • Dates
Welcome to EngiTek 2026
Welcome to the International Congress on Engineering Technologies (EngiTek 2026). This event is intended to represent a major forum for researchers, professionals and students from all over the world to meet in the beautiful and culturally rich city of Antalya in Turkey to present their latest research results and to exchange new ideas and practical experiences.


EngiTek 2026 main scope includes, but is not limited to the following areas: Modeling, Identification and Simulation; Workshop on Processing of Composite Materials; Workshop on Water Cycle and Neural Network Algorithms; Workshop on Nanofluids and Turbulators for Heat Transfer Enhancement in Energy Systems; Communications Engineering and Technologies; Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation; Signal, Image and Speech Processing; Control Engineering and Technologies; Electronic Circuits and Technologies; Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer; Materials, Design and Manufacturing; Aeronautical Engineering Technologies; Thermal Power Systems and Applications; Mechanical Systems Dynamics, Vibration and Control; Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development; Pavement Engineering Technologies; Geotechnical Engineering Technologies; Structural Engineering Technologies; Construction Engineering Technologies; Transportation Engineering Technologies; Water Engineering Technologies; Medical Imaging and Signal Processing; Fuzzy Computing and Technologies; Software Engineering and Technologies; Edge Computing and Technologies; Cloud Computing and Technologies; Big Data and Technologies; Artificial Intelligence Systems and Technologies; Genetic Algorithms and Genetic Programming; Quality, Reliability and Productivity; Intelligent Manufacturing;

EngiTek 2026 is planned to feature special sessions, keynote talks and tutorial sessions by leading experts, paper presentations, poster shows, demo shows, discussion panels, as well as other interesting technical activities.

EngiTek 2026 Conferences

EnginApps 2026

EngiShops 2026

ElectriTek 2026

MechaniTek 2026

CiviTek 2026

ArchiTek 2026

NanoTek 2026

ChemiTek 2026

BiomediTek 2026

CompuTek 2026

MechatroTek 2026

MathemaTek 2026

IndustriTek 2026
Why Take Part in EngiTek 2026?
* Enjoy attending EngiTek 2026 at Akra V Hotel, in Antalya, Turkey.
* Enjoy moderate registration fees, and register up to two papers for the same registration fee. Students receive substantial registration discounts.
* Have the possiblity to extend and publish your conference papers with some of the top journal publishers.
* Only full paper submissions are allowed at all our conferences. No summary or abstract submissions are allowed. Conference topic coverage includes the most current and exciting fields of knowledge and research.
* Papers can be accepted to our conferences only after rigorous peer reviewing.
* Our outstanding reviewing process is facilitated by careful selection of technical program committee members from among the best international experts. Each submitted paper is subject to no less than two peer reviews before it can be considered for acceptance.
* Published papers of EngiTek 2026 are indexed by Google Scholar. More indexing is on the way.
* At each conference, and based on paper review scores, the paper with the highest scores receives the Best Paper Award. This is an award to which only presented papers are eligible. The best paper award is usually delivered to the presenter of the winning paper at the main conference dinner.
EngiTek 2026 Dates
EngiTek 2026 Days Friday - Sunday: 3-5 April 2026
Full Paper Submission Deadline Thursday, 22 January 2026
Author Notifications Thursday, 5 February 2026
Final Paper Submissions Deadline Sunday, 15 February 2026
Registration Deadline Sunday, 15 February 2026
Registration Cancellation Deadline Saturday, 21 February 2026
EngiTek 2026 Submissions
EnginApps 2026
General and Multidisciplinary Engineering Applications
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
EngiShops 2026
Workshops in Engineering Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
ElectriTek 2026
Electrical Engineering and Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
MechaniTek 2026
Mechanical Engineering and Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
CiviTek 2026
Civil Engineering Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
ArchiTek 2026
Architecture and Design Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
NanoTek 2026
Nano Engineering Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
ChemiTek 2026
Chemical Engineering Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
BiomediTek 2026
Biomedical Engineering Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
CompuTek 2026
Computer Engineering Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
MechatroTek 2026
Mechatronics Engineering and Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
MathemaTek 2026
Engineering Mathematical Techniques
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
IndustriTek 2026
Industrial Engineering Technologies
Submit a Paper
Deadline: Thursday, 22 January 2026
EngiTek 2026

Event Submissiions
EngiTek 2026

Special Session Submissiions
Are you preparing a paper to submit to EngiTek 2026?
If so, please help the organizing committee make good predictions about the potential size of EngiTek 2026 participation. To do so, please indicate your plan to submit a contribution by clicking here. This does not imply any commitment on your side. Kindly note that clicking the above link does not involve submission of any contribution.
  • Special Sessions
  • Keynote Talks
  • 41.Key-54
EngiTek 2026 Special Sessions
Thermal Energy Storage
Photonic Sensors: Applications for Environmental and Structural Monitoring


Photonics comprises all the technologies that use, create, detect or transform light. This wide range of light modulation and manipulation can be used as sensors, to control manufacture processes, can be implemented for precise production techniques with laser cutting systems or applied in Healthcare for advanced vision and image tools. Within the wide spectrum of available sensing technologies, optical fiber-based sensors (OFS) are a known and well developed technology, which offers the possibility to act as sensing structure, but also, it can act simultaneously as the communication channel. In addition, since the sensing principle is a function of the modulation of light, optical fiber sensors offer an intrinsic immunity to electromagnetic interferences, optical signal preservation in harsh environment (oil industries or nuclear power plants); no electric source is required at the sensing unit, which render the OFS units electrically safe, with high sensitivity and accuracy over their electronic counterparts. Furthermore, they have distributed sensing capabilities, while being light in weight, small in size and flexible in their structures, which avoid multiple constraints along the production lines, and render them ideal to monitor environmental changes under harsh conditions, such as gas pipelines in petroleum engineering, civil engineering and structural health monitoring, and as mentioned above in agricultural engineering


Dr. Fatima Domingues, Instituto de Telecomunicações, Aveiro, Portugal

Maria de Fatima Fonseca Domingues is a Researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações and University of Aveiro, Portugal. She finished the Ph.D. degree in Physics Engineering, from the University of Aveiro, Portugal, in December 2014. After the PhD completion, Dr. Domingues was the recipient of National Post-doc grant from FCT (SFRH/BPD/101372/2014), in a joint collaboration between Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT) - Portugal, and CSIC-UPM Centro de Automatica y Robotica (CAR), Madrid, Spain, where 1 year of exchange was foreseen. Since 2019, she is a Researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações and University of Aveiro, Portugal. Dr. Domingues authored/co-authored 119 published works, including 5 books, 5 book-chapters multiple articles in high impact, peer reviewed journals and conferences, with h-index 22 (GoogleScholar) and an overall of +1400 citations. Dr. Domingues has 10+ years’ research experience in the development of photonic sensors solutions for the monitoring of a diverse number of parameters, including, temperature, humidity and strain, and a vast range of applications including rehabilitation and wearable sensors for biomedical and eHealth applications. She is also active in the supervision of undergraduate and graduate students in laboratory environment and projects development (supervision of 1 Ph.D. student (on going), supervised/co-supervised 3 project grant holders, supervised/co-supervised 4 MSc dissertation(s), supervised/co-supervised 10 work(s) of LSc/BSc Degree completion projects). Dr. Domingues has an active cooperation in the preparation of project proposals at national and EU levels. She is the Co-PI of the International CELTIC NEXT (2019)-SAFE-HOME, focusing on the development of non-invasive solutions for the monitoring of elders and the IT work package coordinator in the project SENSECOR targeting the development of immunosensory integrated system for a fast and efficient detection of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. She has also participated in/coordinated smaller Internal IT projects focusing on the development of photonic based wearable solutions for physical rehabilitation (WeHOPE/REACT) and home monitoring of elders (NICE-HOME). Additionally, she is active in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Networks project proposals submission, having coordinated the full project proposal submission for the 2021 call, and contributed for proposals submitted in previous ITN calls. Dr. Domingues is a member of the editorials (Journal of Sensors, Hindawi, and Sensors, MDPI) and the review panels for different peer-reviewed Journals indexed in JCR, ISI and SJR, including IEEE Internet of Things Journal; Journal of Biomedical Optics; Photonics Technology Letters, Sensors and Actuators, Optik, IEEE Acess; IEEE Sensors. She is a usual TPC member in flagship conferences like IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC and IEEE HealthCom. She was/is a member of the Organizing Committee of Broadnets2018, IMOC2019, MeditCom022 and IEEE HealthCom 2022 international conferences; she was/is also the Technical Chair of the workshop in IEEE ICC'2021 (WS9 [AgeWellSens]) and Track Chair at IEEE MetroInd4.0&IoT’22 Special Session [Smart Systems based on Fiber Optic sensors for Industry 4.0]. She is an IEEE, IEEE ComSoc, IEEE Photonics Society and IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS) member, and an active and voting member in IEEE eHealth and Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks (IoT-AHSN) Technical Committees. Recently, Dr. Domingues was elected for the secretary position of IEEE EMBS Portuguese Chapter.
EngiTek 2026 Visits: 7369