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Update on 24 December 2023: Paper 12.Cnf-88 reaches 1229 views and 463 downloads.
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Summary Information of Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude
Name Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude
Affiliation Lebanese International University,
Topics Design of Computing Algorithms
Biography Dr. Mohamad Assaad received a B.E. in electrical engineering with honors from Lebanese University in Beirut, in 1997. In 1999 and 2003, he received a M.Sc. degree with honors from Enseeiht and a Ph.D. with honor, both in telecommunications, from the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Telecommunications (ENST) in Paris, France. While pursuing his Ph.D., he was a research assistant in the Comlec department ENST Paris, France, working on the filtered OFDM design in UMTS and HyperLan II systems. Since September 2004, he is assistant professor in the computer and telecommunications department at the Lebanese international university (LIU) in Beirut, Lebanon. His research interests include 3G systems and beyond, WiMax, cross-layer design and resource optimization in wireless systems and AdHoc systems.
User Since Friday, 12 April 2013
User Page Views 166
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0
Conference Registration Discount 0%
Published Papers of Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
8.Cnf-185Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude
Mr. Jihad Haddad
Performance of routing and scheduling for VoIP over wireless ad-hoc networks
MIC-CNIT 20085-7 December 2008 in Amman, Jordan
11.Cnf-186Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude
Mr. Rimah Harb
Real-time video applications over interoperability system between UMTS and WLAN
MIC-CSC 200919-21 November 2009 in Amman, Jordan
11.Cnf-190Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude

WiMAX Radio Network Planning Case Study Beirut City
MIC-CSC 200919-21 November 2009 in Amman, Jordan
Conference Chairings of Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude
Conference Committees of Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude
Paper Reviews by Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude
There are no registered reviews of Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude
Conference Talks by Dr. Mohamad A. Aoude