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Summary Information of Dr. Paolo Masci
Name Dr. Paolo Masci
Affiliation University of Pisa,
Biography The research activity of the candidate has been carried out in the context of national and international research projects. During his master degree thesis, he focused on Java bytecode verification, and his work gave the basis to a novel approach for Java bytecode verification. After graduating, his research interests included also the analysis of security properties Java Card applications. In 2005, he started his Ph.D. studies on wireless sensor networks. He developed a middleware to reconfigure wireless sensor network applications, and a battery-aware communication protocol. During his Ph.D. studies, he participated to the European Network of Excellence ReSIST, and he gained experience and skills on the formal modelling and analysis of wireless sensor networks in the Prototype Verification System (PVS) tool. He defended his Ph.D. thesis entitled "Software solutions for battery-aware reconfiguration of Wireless Sensor Networks" in 2008. In March 2009, he gained a post-doctoral research grant from the Institute of Science and Technologies - Italian National Research Council, Pisa, and he started to work on approaches for on-line dependability analysis of interoperable networked systems. Since November 2009, he has a Post-Doctoral Research Position at the University of Pisa, Department of Information Engineering, on the theme "Dependability assurance of evolvable systems". He is currently involved in the FP7 EU Project "Connect: Emergent Connectors for Eternal Software Intensive Networked Systems".
User Since Sunday, 15 August 2010
User Page Views 262
User Contribution Index (UCI) 0.2541
Conference Registration Discount 5.49%
Published Papers of Dr. Paolo Masci
Paper IDPaper TitleConferenceDates and Location
1.Cnf-8Prof. Marco Avvenuti
Prof. Paolo Corsini
Dr. Paolo Masci
Dr. Alessio Vecchio
Increasing the efficiency of preamble sampling protocols for wireless sensor networks
MIC-MCWC 200617-20 September 2006 in Amman, Jordan

GS Citations

Dr. Cinzia Bernardeschi
Dr. Luca Cassano
Dr. Andrea Domenici
Dr. Paolo Masci
Analysis of FPGAs Using the SAN formalism
MIC-CNIT 20103-5 December 2010 in Amman, Jordan
Conference Chairings of Dr. Paolo Masci
Conference Committees of Dr. Paolo Masci
Program Committees
TrackConferenceDates and Location
Computing Systems and Networks (CSN)MIC-CSC 20117-9 October 2011 in Amman, Jordan
Modeling, Identification and Simulation (MIS)MIC-CSP 20112-4 April 2011 in Dubai, UAE
Paper Reviews by Dr. Paolo Masci
There are no registered reviews of Dr. Paolo Masci
Conference Talks by Dr. Paolo Masci