Multimedia Web services constitute a considerable load on Internet bandwidth and on Web servers. With the increasing demand of multimedia Web services, the need to maintain a respectable QoS is a major concern for multimediaWeb service providers. Binary data compression increases performance gain and maintains QoS for large and low scale implementations. At the expense of increased CPU processing time, data compression provides a reliable solution to sustain QoS parameters such as response time, download time and server delay where bandwidth is limited. This paper presents a detailed analysis, which is based upon realistic and representative data, in order to quantify the performance gain for multimedia Web services due to the application of binary image compression. To provide data for our analysis method, we built an image-retrieval Web service that offers a set of images in both compressed and non-compressed form. The analysis method and results can be extended and adapted to various service and network models, such as wireless LAN, Ad-Hoc, mobile networks, IP-telephony and distributed systems.
3rd Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Networking and Information Technology (MIC-CNIT 2009)
2009 Global Congress on Communications, Networking and Information Technology (GC-CNIT 2009), 21-23 December 2009, Amman, Jordan
Computer Communications Multimedia over IP Networks
title={Analysis and Quantification of Multimedia Web Services Performance Utilising Binary Data Compression},
author={Amer M. Al Canaan, and Ahmed Khoumsi},
booktitle={2009 Global Congress on Communications, Networking and Information Technology (GC-CNIT 2009)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies}