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  • GC-BEN 2011
  • 24.Cnf-188
BEN Congresses with Published Papers
GC-BEN 2011, Amman
Papers Published at GC-BEN 2011
All 10 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
24.Cnf-85 Ms. Rania Bakeir
IPTV technology applying in the Jordanian market technical and strategic study
24.Cnf-161 Dr. Abdul_bary Suleiman
Virtual instrumentation clinical PC-based pure-tone audiogram
24.Cnf-177 Dr. Ahmad Hassanat
Automatic lip reading for security
24.Cnf-187 Dr. Dawei Zhou
Dr. Fuguo Zhu
Dr. Steven Gao
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Prof. Jiadong Xu
Dr. Yousef Dama
Study and analysis of compact planar ultra wideband antenna with band-notched characteristics
24.Cnf-188 Dr. Chan Hwang See
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Dr. Yousef Dama
Prof. Peter Excell
Proposed circuit model for calibration of nonlinear responses in biological media exposed to RF energy
24.Cnf-191 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
A High Directivity-WideBand Metamaterial Multisection Directional Coupler
24.Cnf-192 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Optimaization and Design a WideBand Multisection Quadrature Coupler for 2.5GHz
24.Cnf-193 Mr. Ibrahim M. Ibrahim
Dr. Manal Abdel-Wahed
Mammography mass detection: visual versus statistical features selection
24.Cnf-197 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Modeling and compact a wideband multisection quadrature coupler for 900MHz
24.Cnf-198 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Modeling of a wideband multisection quadrature directional coupler
24.Cnf-188 Paper Download Page
This paper has been Published at GC-BEN 2011, held in the period 9-11 September 2011 in Amman, Jordan.
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GC-BEN 2011, Amman
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All 10 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
24.Cnf-85 Ms. Rania Bakeir
IPTV technology applying in the Jordanian market technical and strategic study
24.Cnf-161 Dr. Abdul_bary Suleiman
Virtual instrumentation clinical PC-based pure-tone audiogram
24.Cnf-177 Dr. Ahmad Hassanat
Automatic lip reading for security
24.Cnf-187 Dr. Dawei Zhou
Dr. Fuguo Zhu
Dr. Steven Gao
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Prof. Jiadong Xu
Dr. Yousef Dama
Study and analysis of compact planar ultra wideband antenna with band-notched characteristics
24.Cnf-188 Dr. Chan Hwang See
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Dr. Yousef Dama
Prof. Peter Excell
Proposed circuit model for calibration of nonlinear responses in biological media exposed to RF energy
24.Cnf-191 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
A High Directivity-WideBand Metamaterial Multisection Directional Coupler
24.Cnf-192 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Optimaization and Design a WideBand Multisection Quadrature Coupler for 2.5GHz
24.Cnf-193 Mr. Ibrahim M. Ibrahim
Dr. Manal Abdel-Wahed
Mammography mass detection: visual versus statistical features selection
24.Cnf-197 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Modeling and compact a wideband multisection quadrature coupler for 900MHz
24.Cnf-198 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Modeling of a wideband multisection quadrature directional coupler
GC-BEN 2011 Visits: 8411||MIC-BEN 2011 Visits: 7159||BME Track Visits: 386