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Update on 19 June 2021: Paper 16.Cnf-64@MIC-CCA 2011 reaches 603 views and 262 downloads.
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  • GC-BEN 2011
  • 24.Cnf-177
BEN Congresses with Published Papers
GC-BEN 2011, Amman
Papers Published at GC-BEN 2011
All 10 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
24.Cnf-85 Ms. Rania Bakeir
IPTV technology applying in the Jordanian market technical and strategic study
24.Cnf-161 Dr. Abdul_bary Suleiman
Virtual instrumentation clinical PC-based pure-tone audiogram
24.Cnf-177 Dr. Ahmad Hassanat
Automatic lip reading for security
24.Cnf-187 Dr. Dawei Zhou
Dr. Fuguo Zhu
Dr. Steven Gao
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Prof. Jiadong Xu
Dr. Yousef Dama
Study and analysis of compact planar ultra wideband antenna with band-notched characteristics
24.Cnf-188 Dr. Chan Hwang See
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Dr. Yousef Dama
Prof. Peter Excell
Proposed circuit model for calibration of nonlinear responses in biological media exposed to RF energy
24.Cnf-191 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
A High Directivity-WideBand Metamaterial Multisection Directional Coupler
24.Cnf-192 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Optimaization and Design a WideBand Multisection Quadrature Coupler for 2.5GHz
24.Cnf-193 Mr. Ibrahim M. Ibrahim
Dr. Manal Abdel-Wahed
Mammography mass detection: visual versus statistical features selection
24.Cnf-197 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Modeling and compact a wideband multisection quadrature coupler for 900MHz
24.Cnf-198 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Modeling of a wideband multisection quadrature directional coupler
24.Cnf-177 Paper View Page
Title Automatic lip reading for security
Authors Dr. Ahmad Hassanat, Mutah University, Kerak, Jordan
Abstract This paper presents an automatic lip reading system to increase security. The system depends mainly on recognizing the speaker using the visual speech signal alone. The proposed scheme works in two stages: the setting and the verification stage. At the setting stage, the system requests the user to utter a selected password. A video recording of the user face is captured and processed by a special words-based VSR system, which extracts a sequence of feature vectors. The features of each word are represented by a matrix. Each row of which represents a frame of the video, associated with the given word. Those features represent some lip region measurements, which include width, height, mutual information between successive frames, image quality measures, horizontal/vertical features ratio, teeth and tongue appearance. The sequence of the extracted features is stored on the authentication server.

In the verification stage, the same procedure is executed to extract the sequence of feature vectors for the word(s) uttered by the claimant. The system encrypts and sends the features to the authentication server. On receipt, the server decrypts and compares with the stored visual password feature vectors. The proposed scheme has been evaluated using a video database of 20 different speakers (10 females and 10 males), and different experiment sets. The evaluation has shown promising results, where the average equal error rate varies between 0.0% and 54.75% depending on the speaker. For this to become a practical approach, we need to do more investigation and experiments.

Track CBS: Computational Biosciences
Conference 1st Mosharaka International Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Nanotechnology (MIC-BEN 2011)
Congress 2011 Global Congress on Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Nanotechnology (GC-BEN 2011), 9-11 September 2011, Amman, Jordan
Pages 11-16
Topics Pattern Recognition
ISSN 2227-331X
BibTeX @inproceedings{177BEN2011,
title={Automatic lip reading for security},
author={Ahmad Hassanat},
booktitle={2011 Global Congress on Biomedical Engineering, Electronics and Nanotechnology (GC-BEN 2011)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies} }
Paper Views 223 Paper Views Rank 129/524
Paper Downloads 92 Paper Downloads Rank 371/524
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GC-BEN 2011, Amman
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All 10 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
24.Cnf-85 Ms. Rania Bakeir
IPTV technology applying in the Jordanian market technical and strategic study
24.Cnf-161 Dr. Abdul_bary Suleiman
Virtual instrumentation clinical PC-based pure-tone audiogram
24.Cnf-177 Dr. Ahmad Hassanat
Automatic lip reading for security
24.Cnf-187 Dr. Dawei Zhou
Dr. Fuguo Zhu
Dr. Steven Gao
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Prof. Jiadong Xu
Dr. Yousef Dama
Study and analysis of compact planar ultra wideband antenna with band-notched characteristics
24.Cnf-188 Dr. Chan Hwang See
Prof. Raed Abd-Alhameed
Dr. Yousef Dama
Prof. Peter Excell
Proposed circuit model for calibration of nonlinear responses in biological media exposed to RF energy
24.Cnf-191 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
A High Directivity-WideBand Metamaterial Multisection Directional Coupler
24.Cnf-192 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Optimaization and Design a WideBand Multisection Quadrature Coupler for 2.5GHz
24.Cnf-193 Mr. Ibrahim M. Ibrahim
Dr. Manal Abdel-Wahed
Mammography mass detection: visual versus statistical features selection
24.Cnf-197 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Modeling and compact a wideband multisection quadrature coupler for 900MHz
24.Cnf-198 Prof. Mazhar Basyouni Tayel
Mr. Hani Saad Alhakami
Modeling of a wideband multisection quadrature directional coupler
GC-BEN 2011 Visits: 8411||MIC-BEN 2011 Visits: 7159||CBS Track Visits: 101