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  • GC-CPE 2009
  • 9.Cnf-42
Papers Published at GC-CPE 2009
All 9 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
9.Cnf-41 Dr. Gubran M. Kubati
Prof. Nihad Dib
Synthesis of antenna arrays using central force optimization
9.Cnf-42 Dr. Mohammad R. Rawashdeh
Prof. Nihad Dib
Full wave analysis of circular guiding structures using one and two dimensional finite difference frequency domain method
9.Cnf-52 Dr. Ahmad A. Sulaiman
Prof. Mohd F. Ain
Prof. Syed I. Hassan
Dr. Ali Othman
Dr. M. A. Othman
Mr. R. A. Majid
Mr. M. Z. Saidin
Mr. M. H. Hamid
Mr. J. Sulaiman
Dr. Zuhani I. Khan
Mrs. Noor H. Baba
Dr. Mohamad H. Jusoh
Dr. Robiatun A. Awang
Analysis of K-band microstrip BPF
9.Cnf-53 Dr. Ahmad A. Sulaiman
Prof. Mohd F. Ain
Prof. Syed I. Hassan
Dr. Ali Othman
Dr. M. A. Othman
Mr. R. A. Majid
Mr. M. Z. Saidin
Mr. M. H. Hamid
Dr. Mohamad H. Jusoh
Dr. Zuhani I. Khan
Mrs. Noor H. Baba
Mr. S. S. Sohaimi
Mr. Z. Awang
Dr. Robiatun A. Awang
Mr. M. Esa
Mr. M. Yahya
A Broadband Patch Antenna Using Proximity-Coupled Approach
9.Cnf-175 Dr. Ali Amer
An evolutionary solution architecture towards next generation access network (NGA)
9.Cnf-200 Mr. Syed Shah

BICM Based Cooperative Amplify and Forward Transmission: Analysis and Simulation Results
9.Cnf-383 Mrs. Thazin Ei

Handoff Failure Avoidance Method Based on Location and Trajectory of the Mobile Node
9.Cnf-384 Mr. Aws K. Alqaisi

Blind Separation of Seismic Wavefield Recieved on Multicomponent Antenna using Frequency Singular Value Decomposition
9.Cnf-385 Mr. Amer Tanjo
Prof. Vlatko Lipovac

Impact of Interference and Low Signal Power on the Radio Performance and Design of GSM Network in High-Buildings
9.Cnf-42 Paper View Page
Title Full wave analysis of circular guiding structures using one and two dimensional finite difference frequency domain method
Authors Dr. Mohammad R. Rawashdeh, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan
Prof. Nihad Dib, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
Abstract In this paper, a general full wave, one and two dimensional, finite difference frequency domain method "1D and 2D FDFD" is presented to analyze different circular guiding structures, such as: coaxial lines, circular waveguides, cylindrical microstrip line and coupled microstrip lines. 1D-2FDFD, 1D-3FDFD and 2D-6FDFD equations are used to get the dispersion curves for these structures. The results which are obtained after solving these FDFD equations come through solving an eigen-value problem, where the obtained eigenvalues and eigen- vectors are used to produce the propagation constants, distribution of the fields and the characteristic impedance for these structures. The FDFD results are compared with those obtained through other analytical and numerical techniques.
Track MAP: Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation
Conference 2nd Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Propagation, and Electronics (MIC-CPE 2009)
Congress 2009 Global Congress on Communications, Propagation, and Electronics (GC-CPE 2009), 6-8 February 2009, Amman, Jordan
Pages 7-12
Topics Wave Propagation
Electromagnetics Computations
ISSN 2227-331X
BibTeX @inproceedings{42CPE2009,
title={Full wave analysis of circular guiding structures using one and two dimensional finite difference frequency domain method},
author={Mohammad R. Rawashdeh, and Nihad Dib},
booktitle={2009 Global Congress on Communications, Propagation, and Electronics (GC-CPE 2009)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies} }
Paper Views 218 Paper Views Rank 105/524
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All 9 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
9.Cnf-41 Dr. Gubran M. Kubati
Prof. Nihad Dib
Synthesis of antenna arrays using central force optimization
9.Cnf-42 Dr. Mohammad R. Rawashdeh
Prof. Nihad Dib
Full wave analysis of circular guiding structures using one and two dimensional finite difference frequency domain method
9.Cnf-52 Dr. Ahmad A. Sulaiman
Prof. Mohd F. Ain
Prof. Syed I. Hassan
Dr. Ali Othman
Dr. M. A. Othman
Mr. R. A. Majid
Mr. M. Z. Saidin
Mr. M. H. Hamid
Mr. J. Sulaiman
Dr. Zuhani I. Khan
Mrs. Noor H. Baba
Dr. Mohamad H. Jusoh
Dr. Robiatun A. Awang
Analysis of K-band microstrip BPF
9.Cnf-53 Dr. Ahmad A. Sulaiman
Prof. Mohd F. Ain
Prof. Syed I. Hassan
Dr. Ali Othman
Dr. M. A. Othman
Mr. R. A. Majid
Mr. M. Z. Saidin
Mr. M. H. Hamid
Dr. Mohamad H. Jusoh
Dr. Zuhani I. Khan
Mrs. Noor H. Baba
Mr. S. S. Sohaimi
Mr. Z. Awang
Dr. Robiatun A. Awang
Mr. M. Esa
Mr. M. Yahya
A Broadband Patch Antenna Using Proximity-Coupled Approach
9.Cnf-175 Dr. Ali Amer
An evolutionary solution architecture towards next generation access network (NGA)
9.Cnf-200 Mr. Syed Shah

BICM Based Cooperative Amplify and Forward Transmission: Analysis and Simulation Results
9.Cnf-383 Mrs. Thazin Ei

Handoff Failure Avoidance Method Based on Location and Trajectory of the Mobile Node
9.Cnf-384 Mr. Aws K. Alqaisi

Blind Separation of Seismic Wavefield Recieved on Multicomponent Antenna using Frequency Singular Value Decomposition
9.Cnf-385 Mr. Amer Tanjo
Prof. Vlatko Lipovac

Impact of Interference and Low Signal Power on the Radio Performance and Design of GSM Network in High-Buildings
GC-CPE 2009 Visits: 8279||MIC-CPE 2009 Visits: 6692||MAP Track Visits: 142