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Update on 10 September 2020: Paper 20.Cnf-66@MIC-CSP 2011 reaches 644 views.
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  • GC-MCWC 2006
  • 1.Cnf-125
Papers Published at GC-MCWC 2006
All 10 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages

GS Citations

Dr. Baber Aslam
Dr. Muhammad H. Islam
Dr. Shoab Khan
802.11 disassociation DoS attack and its solutions: a survey

GS Citations

Dr. Baber Aslam
Dr. Muhammad H. Islam
Dr. Shoab Khan
Pseudo randomized sequence number based solution to 802.11 disassociation denial of service attack

GS Citations

Dr. Maurizio Bocca
Mr. Cristian Galperti
Dr. Reino Virrankoski
Prof. Heikki Koivo
Estimating the number of persons in an unknown indoor environment by applying wireless acoustic sensors and blind signal separation

GS Citations

Ms. Carmen Beatriz Rodriguez Estrello
Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
Dr. Genaro Hernandez-Valdez
System level model for the wireless channel unreliability in mobile cellular networks
1.Cnf-8 Prof. Marco Avvenuti
Prof. Paolo Corsini
Dr. Paolo Masci
Dr. Alessio Vecchio
Increasing the efficiency of preamble sampling protocols for wireless sensor networks
1.Cnf-70 Dr. Athanasios Doukas
Dr. Grigorios Kalivas
A Novel Blind Delay Spread Estimation Using Frequency Correlation for Wireless OFDM Systems

GS Citations

Prof. Arwa Zabian
Power management mechanism for routing in ad-hoc wireless networks
1.Cnf-74 Dr. Mohamed K. Nezami
Cellular base-station digital controlled multi-carrier feed forward linearized transmitter
1.Cnf-78 Mr. Michael Kenteris
Dr. Damianos Gavalas
Dr. Daphne Economou
Developing Tourist Guide Applications for Mobile Devices Using the J2ME Platform

GS Citations

Dr. Damianos Gavalas
A lightweight and flexible mobile agent platform tailored to management applications
1.Cnf-125 Paper View Page
Title Multiuser Orthogonal Opportunistic Schemes: A Stability Target
Authors Dr. Nizar Zorba, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan
Prof. Ana Perez, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
Abstract Scheduling in a Broadcast multiantenna channel based on partial Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT) is carried out in an opportunistic way, where several beams are randomly generated at the Base Station (BS) transmitter to simultaneously deliver some users with their intended data. System stability is considered along the paper to guarantee a non-explosive behaviour of users' queues at the BS. To account for a better stability achievement while keeping an acceptable system sum rate, several random beam sets are generated to serve the users in a heterogeneous system, where both voice and data applications are considered. The analytical study is followed by extensive simulations for an outdoor wireless scenario where it is shown the superior performance of the proposed additional processing.
Track WCS: Wireless Communication Systems
Conference 1st Mosharaka International Conference on Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications (MIC-MCWC 2006)
Congress 2006 Global Congress on Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications (GC-MCWC 2006), 17-20 September 2006, Amman, Jordan
Pages --1
Topics Cross-Layer Design and Optimization
MIMO Wireless Communications
ISSN 2227-331X
BibTeX @inproceedings{125MCWC2006,
title={Multiuser Orthogonal Opportunistic Schemes: A Stability Target},
author={Nizar Zorba, and Ana Perez},
booktitle={2006 Global Congress on Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications (GC-MCWC 2006)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies} }
Paper Views 198 Paper Views Rank 142/524
Paper Downloads 123 Paper Downloads Rank 64/524
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All 10 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages

GS Citations

Dr. Baber Aslam
Dr. Muhammad H. Islam
Dr. Shoab Khan
802.11 disassociation DoS attack and its solutions: a survey

GS Citations

Dr. Baber Aslam
Dr. Muhammad H. Islam
Dr. Shoab Khan
Pseudo randomized sequence number based solution to 802.11 disassociation denial of service attack

GS Citations

Dr. Maurizio Bocca
Mr. Cristian Galperti
Dr. Reino Virrankoski
Prof. Heikki Koivo
Estimating the number of persons in an unknown indoor environment by applying wireless acoustic sensors and blind signal separation

GS Citations

Ms. Carmen Beatriz Rodriguez Estrello
Dr. Felipe A. Cruz-Pérez
Dr. Genaro Hernandez-Valdez
System level model for the wireless channel unreliability in mobile cellular networks
1.Cnf-8 Prof. Marco Avvenuti
Prof. Paolo Corsini
Dr. Paolo Masci
Dr. Alessio Vecchio
Increasing the efficiency of preamble sampling protocols for wireless sensor networks
1.Cnf-70 Dr. Athanasios Doukas
Dr. Grigorios Kalivas
A Novel Blind Delay Spread Estimation Using Frequency Correlation for Wireless OFDM Systems

GS Citations

Prof. Arwa Zabian
Power management mechanism for routing in ad-hoc wireless networks
1.Cnf-74 Dr. Mohamed K. Nezami
Cellular base-station digital controlled multi-carrier feed forward linearized transmitter
1.Cnf-78 Mr. Michael Kenteris
Dr. Damianos Gavalas
Dr. Daphne Economou
Developing Tourist Guide Applications for Mobile Devices Using the J2ME Platform

GS Citations

Dr. Damianos Gavalas
A lightweight and flexible mobile agent platform tailored to management applications
GC-MCWC 2006 Visits: 12608||MIC-MCWC 2006 Visits: 10545||WCS Track Visits: 274