We propose the use of a distributed differential space-time code within a two-hop cooperative wireless four relay network, with partial channel information at the destination, over quasi-static Rayleigh fading channels, which can achieve full
cooperative diversity and improve the transmission rate. In this scheme the four relay nodes are arranged as two groups of two relay nodes, both of which employ the distributed
differential space time block coding design, but with offset transmission scheduling. Therefore, the source can serially transmit data to the destination and the overall rate can be improved.
However, the four-path relay scheme may suffer from inter-relay interference which is caused by the simultaneous transmission of the source and another group of relays. A full interference cancellation (FIC) approach is therefore used to
remove the inter-relay interference. Uncoded and coded bit error rate simulations confirm the utility of the scheme.
5th Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications (MIC-CCA 2012)
2012 Global Congress on Communications, Computers and Applications (GC-CCA 2012), 12-14 October 2012, Istanbul, Turkey
MIMO Wireless Communications Differentially Coherent Detection
title={A Distributed Differential Space-Time Coding With Full Interference Cancellation Scheme for A Cooperative Four Relay Network},
author={Gaojie Chen, and Ousama Alnatouh, and Lu Ge, and Jonathon Chambers},
booktitle={2012 Global Congress on Communications, Computers and Applications (GC-CCA 2012)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies}