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Update on 8 August 2021: Paper 18.Cnf-24@MIC-CNIT 2010 reaches 642 views and 288 downloads.
4th Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications (MIC-CCA 2011)
22-24 July 2011, Istanbul, Turkey
Conferences Links
  • Introduction
  • Author Kit
  • Submissions
  • Committees
  • Welcome
  • Why MIC-CCA 2011?
  • Dates
Welcome to MIC-CCA 2011
Welcome to the 4th Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Computers and Applications (MIC-CCA 2011). This event is intended to represent a major forum for researchers, professionals and students from all over the world to meet in the beautiful and culturally rich city of Istanbul in Turkey to present their latest research results and to exchange new ideas and practical experiences.


MIC-CCA 2011 main scope includes, but is not limited to the following areas: Communications and Computer Technologies; Computer Science and Engineering; Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering; Web and Internet Technologies;

MIC-CCA 2011 is planned to feature special sessions, keynote talks and tutorial sessions by leading experts, paper presentations, poster shows, demo shows, discussion panels, as well as other interesting technical activities.


A Eurasian city, Istanbul is the cultural capital and main financial hub in Turkey, and is located on both sides of the Bosphorus. It is the largest city in Turkey, and one of the largest in Europe and the world.

MIC-CCA 2011 Tracks

Communications and Computer Technologies
Computer Science and Engineering
Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering
Web and Internet Technologies
Why Take Part in MIC-CCA 2011?
* Enjoy attending MIC-CCA 2011 at Holiday Inn Istanbul City, in Istanbul, Turkey.
* Enjoy moderate registration fees. Based on the user contribution index (UCI), proportionate registration discounts apply.
* Have the possiblity to extend and publish your conference papers with some of the top journal publishers.
* Only full paper submissions are allowed at all our conferences. No summary or abstract submissions are allowed. Conference topic coverage includes the most current and exciting fields of knowledge and research.
* Papers can be accepted to our conferences only after rigorous peer reviewing.
* Our outstanding reviewing process is facilitated by careful selection of technical program committee members from among the best international experts. Each submitted paper is subject to no less than three peer reviews before it can be considered for acceptance.
* Published papers of MIC-CCA 2011 are indexed by Google Scholar. More indexing is on the way.
* At each congress, and based on paper review scores, the paper with the highest scores receives the Best Paper Award. This is an award to which only presented papers are eligible. The best paper award is usually delivered to the presenter of the winning paper at the main conference dinner.
MIC-CCA 2011 Dates
MIC-CCA 2011 Days Friday - Sunday: 22-24 July 2011
Full Paper Submission Deadline Saturday, 4 June 2011
Author Notifications Saturday, 18 June 2011
Final Paper Submissions Deadline Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Registration Deadline Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Registration Cancellation Deadline Monday, 4 July 2011
MIC-CCA 2011 Submissions
  • Chairs
  • PC
  • Reviewers
MIC-CCA 2011 Chairs

Conference Chair

Dr. Mujdat Soyturk Marmara University Turkey
MIC-CCA 2011 Reviewers

MIC-CCA 2011 Reviewers

Dr. Haider M. Al Sabbagh University of Basrah Iraq
Dr. Abdel-Rahman K. Al-Qawasmi Majmaah University Saudi Arabia
Dr. Rahiman Amir Rizaan Universiti Putra Malaysia Malaysia
Dr. Mohammad M. Banat Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Prof. Angel Bravo Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Spain
Prof. Francesc Burrull Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena Spain
Dr. Huseyin Canbolat Mersin Üniversitesi Turkey
Prof. Cheng-Yuan Chang National United University Taiwan
Dr. Pouya Derakhshan-Barjoei Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch Iran
Mrs. Safak Durukan Odabasi Istanbul University Turkey
Mr. Goker Ekin
Dr. Khaled Elmahgoub Autoliv
Dr. Ahmad A. Hassan Taibah University Saudi Arabia
Prof. Hyunsung Kim Kyungil University Korea
Prof. Jaime Lloret Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Spain
Prof. Pascal Lorenz Université de Haute-Alsace France
Dr. Reza Firsandaya Malik
Dr. Noor Maizura Mohamad Noor Universiti Malaysia Terengganu Malaysia
Dr. Amjad Mohsen
Mr. Mohanned H. Momani Royal Jordanian Air Force Jordan
Dr. Amad Mourad Université de Béjaïa Algeria
Dr. Sami Muhaidat Simon Fraser University Canada
Prof. Abdul R. Rind University of Bridgeport USA
Mr. Jaydip Sen Tata Consultancy Services India
Prof. Kuei-Ping Shih Tamkang University Taiwan
Dr. Luis Miguel Soria Morillo Universidad de Sevilla Spain
Dr. Dimitrios Stratogiannis National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr. Georgios Stylianou European University Cyprus Cyprus
Dr. Zhenzhen Ye
Prof. Stanislav Zvanovec Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Republic
GC-CCA 2011 Visits: 11221||MIC-CCA 2011 Visits: 9755