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Update on 4 September 2021: Paper 20.Cnf-67@MIC-CSP 2011 reaches 954 views and 419 downloads.
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  • GC-CPE 2013
  • 37.Cnf-537
Papers Published at GC-CPE 2013
All 11 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
37.Cnf-505 Mrs. Besat Jafarian
Prof. Nasser Yazdani
Universal B-tree Based Packet Classification(UB-PC)
37.Cnf-512 Dr. Alia Zakriti
Dr. Naima Amar Touhami
Mr. Mohamed Lamsali
Dr. Mohamed Essaidi
Improvement of Band-Width Performance of Hairpin Band-Pass Filter Using Defected Ground Structures
37.Cnf-522 Mr. Pedro M. Figueiredo E Silva
Prof. José Sanguino
Ms. Teresa Ferreira
Prof. Antonio Rodrigues
Using Predicted Doppler Measurements for Positioning in Urban Environments
37.Cnf-523 Mr. Khaled Eshteiwi
Prof. Reza Soleymani
Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Networks with Best Relay Selection
37.Cnf-533 Dr. Labib Daloub
Challenges of Smart Grid Transformation in Libya and North Africa Region Region
37.Cnf-537 Mr. Gunnar Wahlgren
Mr. Khalid Bencherifa
Dr. Stewart Kowalski
A Framework for selecting IT Security Risk Management Methods based on ISO27005
37.Cnf-542 Mr. Yuichi Kato
Prof. Takehiko Kobayashi
Dr. Tomoaki Toda
Dr. Atsushi Tomiki
Prof. Kenichi Kagoshima

Prototype of an X/Ka Dual-Band Primary Radiatop for Satellite-Borne Cassegrain Antennas
37.Cnf-544 Prof. Wahbi Azeddine
Prof. Rachid El Gouri
Mr. Anas El Habti El Idrissi
Prof. Hlou Laamari
Real-time DSK C6713 implementation of adaptatif acoustic echo cancelation
37.Cnf-549 Dr. Said Mazer

Modeling of a complete Multi Band OOK Ultra WideBand Link
37.Cnf-551 Mr. Mohammed Kharma
Dr. Nidal Kafri
Reduced Changes in the Carrier of Steganography Algorithm
37.Cnf-557 Mr. Diallo Yaccoub Mohamed Hamidne
Mr. Achraf Jaoujal
Mr. Mohammed Younssi
Prof. Ahmed El Moussaoui
Prof. Noura Aknin
Compact Micro-Strip Inverted-L Monopole Antenna Parasitic Element Extends Directly Starting from Ground Plan for Wideband Applications
37.Cnf-537 Paper View Page
Title A Framework for selecting IT Security Risk Management Methods based on ISO27005
Authors Mr. Gunnar Wahlgren, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Mr. Khalid Bencherifa, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Dr. Stewart Kowalski, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Abstract The ISO27005 is an international standard that gives recommendation on IT Security Risk Management Methods. In this short paper we outline a criteria framework to analysis 7 of the major IT security risk methodology used. This framework can be used by organizations to select the appropriated methodology to fit their organizations risk posture and risk environment.
Track NIS: Network and Information Security
Conference 6th Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Propagation, and Electronics (MIC-CPE 2013)
Congress 2013 Global Congress on Communications, Propagation, and Electronics (GC-CPE 2013), 1-3 February 2013, Kenitra, Morocco
Pages 27-32
Topics Semantics of Security
Internet Security
ISSN 2227-331X
BibTeX @inproceedings{537CPE2013,
title={A Framework for selecting IT Security Risk Management Methods based on ISO27005},
author={Gunnar Wahlgren, and Khalid Bencherifa, and Stewart Kowalski},
booktitle={2013 Global Congress on Communications, Propagation, and Electronics (GC-CPE 2013)},
organization={Mosharaka for Research and Studies} }
Paper Views 175 Paper Views Rank 205/524
Paper Downloads 99 Paper Downloads Rank 264/524
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All 11 Papers
IDAuthors and TitlePages
37.Cnf-505 Mrs. Besat Jafarian
Prof. Nasser Yazdani
Universal B-tree Based Packet Classification(UB-PC)
37.Cnf-512 Dr. Alia Zakriti
Dr. Naima Amar Touhami
Mr. Mohamed Lamsali
Dr. Mohamed Essaidi
Improvement of Band-Width Performance of Hairpin Band-Pass Filter Using Defected Ground Structures
37.Cnf-522 Mr. Pedro M. Figueiredo E Silva
Prof. José Sanguino
Ms. Teresa Ferreira
Prof. Antonio Rodrigues
Using Predicted Doppler Measurements for Positioning in Urban Environments
37.Cnf-523 Mr. Khaled Eshteiwi
Prof. Reza Soleymani
Performance Analysis of Amplify-and-Forward Cooperative Networks with Best Relay Selection
37.Cnf-533 Dr. Labib Daloub
Challenges of Smart Grid Transformation in Libya and North Africa Region Region
37.Cnf-537 Mr. Gunnar Wahlgren
Mr. Khalid Bencherifa
Dr. Stewart Kowalski
A Framework for selecting IT Security Risk Management Methods based on ISO27005
37.Cnf-542 Mr. Yuichi Kato
Prof. Takehiko Kobayashi
Dr. Tomoaki Toda
Dr. Atsushi Tomiki
Prof. Kenichi Kagoshima

Prototype of an X/Ka Dual-Band Primary Radiatop for Satellite-Borne Cassegrain Antennas
37.Cnf-544 Prof. Wahbi Azeddine
Prof. Rachid El Gouri
Mr. Anas El Habti El Idrissi
Prof. Hlou Laamari
Real-time DSK C6713 implementation of adaptatif acoustic echo cancelation
37.Cnf-549 Dr. Said Mazer

Modeling of a complete Multi Band OOK Ultra WideBand Link
37.Cnf-551 Mr. Mohammed Kharma
Dr. Nidal Kafri
Reduced Changes in the Carrier of Steganography Algorithm
37.Cnf-557 Mr. Diallo Yaccoub Mohamed Hamidne
Mr. Achraf Jaoujal
Mr. Mohammed Younssi
Prof. Ahmed El Moussaoui
Prof. Noura Aknin
Compact Micro-Strip Inverted-L Monopole Antenna Parasitic Element Extends Directly Starting from Ground Plan for Wideband Applications
GC-CPE 2013 Visits: 5664||MIC-CPE 2013 Visits: 4678||NIS Track Visits: 98