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1st Mosharaka International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (MIC-CSP 2011)
2-4 April 2011, Dubai, UAE
Conferences Links
  • Introduction
  • Author Kit
  • Submissions
  • Committees
  • Welcome
  • Why MIC-CSP 2011?
  • Dates
Welcome to MIC-CSP 2011
Welcome to the 1st Mosharaka International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (MIC-CSP 2011). This event is intended to represent a major forum for researchers, professionals and students from all over the world to meet in the beautiful and culturally rich city of Dubai in UAE to present their latest research results and to exchange new ideas and practical experiences.


MIC-CSP 2011 main scope includes, but is not limited to the following areas: Communication Systems and Applications; Communication Networks and Applications; Signal Processing and Applications; Modeling, Identification and Simulation; Control, Robotics and Automation; Computer-Aided Design;

MIC-CSP 2011 is planned to feature special sessions, keynote talks and tutorial sessions by leading experts, paper presentations, poster shows, demo shows, discussion panels, as well as other interesting technical activities.

MIC-CSP 2011 Tracks

Communication Systems and Applications
Communication Networks and Applications
Signal Processing and Applications
Modeling, Identification and Simulation
Control, Robotics and Automation
Computer-Aided Design
Why Take Part in MIC-CSP 2011?
* Enjoy attending MIC-CSP 2011 at Hotel Ibis Deira City Centre, in Dubai, UAE.
* Enjoy moderate registration fees. Based on the user contribution index (UCI), proportionate registration discounts apply.
* Have the possiblity to extend and publish your conference papers with some of the top journal publishers.
* Only full paper submissions are allowed at all our conferences. No summary or abstract submissions are allowed. Conference topic coverage includes the most current and exciting fields of knowledge and research.
* Papers can be accepted to our conferences only after rigorous peer reviewing.
* Our outstanding reviewing process is facilitated by careful selection of technical program committee members from among the best international experts. Each submitted paper is subject to no less than three peer reviews before it can be considered for acceptance.
* Published papers of MIC-CSP 2011 are indexed by Google Scholar. More indexing is on the way.
* At each congress, and based on paper review scores, the paper with the highest scores receives the Best Paper Award. This is an award to which only presented papers are eligible. The best paper award is usually delivered to the presenter of the winning paper at the main conference dinner.
MIC-CSP 2011 Dates
MIC-CSP 2011 Days Saturday - Monday: 2-4 April 2011
Full Paper Submission Deadline Tuesday, 15 February 2011
Author Notifications Tuesday, 1 March 2011
Final Paper Submissions Deadline Friday, 11 March 2011
Registration Deadline Friday, 11 March 2011
Registration Cancellation Deadline Thursday, 17 March 2011
MIC-CSP 2011 Submissions
  • Chairs
  • PC
  • Reviewers
MIC-CSP 2011 Chairs
MIC-CSP 2011 Program Committee

MIC-CSP 2011 TPC Members

Prof. Haitham Abu-Rub Texas A&M University Qatar
Dr. Mousa T. Al Akhras University of Jordan Jordan
Dr. Yazeed A. Al-Sbou Mutah University Jordan
Prof. Adnan Al-Smadi Yarmouk University Jordan
Dr. Rafe K. Alasem College of Telecom & Information Saudi Arabia
Dr. Hakim Alhussien Link_A_Media Devices USA
Prof. Ghada Amer Benha University Egypt
Prof. Salah Bourennane École Centrale Marseille France
Prof. Francesc Burrull Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena Spain
Dr. Jinhai Cai University of South Australia Australia
Dr. Maria-Dolores Cano Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena Spain
Dr. Paul Christodoulides Cyprus University of Technology Cyprus
Prof. Roberto Garello Politecnico di Torino Italy
Dr. Alexandre Guitton Clermont Université France
Dr. Bjørn Olav Hogstad University of Navarra Spain
Dr. Muhammad Ali Imran University of Surrey UK
Prof. Hakan Johansson Linkoping University Sweden
Dr. Loay Khalaf University of Jordan Jordan
Dr. Mutamed Khatib Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie Palestine
Dr. Yifang Liu Texas A&M University USA
Dr. Pavel Loskot ZJU-UIUC Institute China
Prof. R. P. Maheshwari Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee India
Dr. Saher Manaseer University of Jordan Jordan
Dr. Paolo Masci University of Pisa Italy
Dr. Hassan Mehdi University of Limoges France
Dr. Mohamed Moustafa Akhbar El-Youm Academy Egypt
Dr. Razali Ngah Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Malaysia
Dr. Srinivasan Rajavelu Nokia Siemens Networks UAE
Prof. S N. Rao Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University India
Dr. Mohammad H. Salah Hashemite University Jordan
Dr. Halim Sayoud Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene Algeria
Dr. Sergei Semenov Renesas Mobile Finland
Mr. Jaydip Sen Tata Consultancy Services India
Dr. Ismail Shahin University of Sharjah UAE
Dr. Yushi Shen Microsoft Corporation USA
Dr. Pierre Siohan France Télécom France
Dr. Dimitrios Stratogiannis National Technical University of Athens Greece
Dr. Otavio N. Teixeira Brazil
Dr. Muhammad Usman University of Ha'il Saudi Arabia
Dr. Javier Vía University of Cantabria Spain
Dr. Bartosz Wietrzyk University of Nottingham UK
Dr. Yaoqing Yang University of Nebraska-Lincoln USA
Dr. Liang Zhou Technical University of Munich Germany
Dr. Miao Zhu Experimental Power Grid Centre Singapore
Prof. Stanislav Zvanovec Czech Technical University in Prague Czech Republic
GC-CSP 2011 Visits: 10148||MIC-CSP 2011 Visits: 8756