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168 days remaining to submit papers to MIC-Data 2025 in Irbid, Jordan
International Congress on Engineering Technologies (EngiTek 2020)
16-18 June 2020, FoE-JUST, Irbid, Jordan

EngiTek 2020 Special

Registration includes a free group trip to Dead Sea (Lowest Location on Earth) and Petra (one of the New Seven Wonders of the World).
1st International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technologies (ElectriTek 2020)
ElectriTek 2020 is technically co-sponsored by CRC Press/Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group (Balkema)
Proceedings will be published by CRC Press/Balkema and will be submitted for Scopus indexing.
Conferences Links
  • Introduction
  • Author Kit
  • Submissions
  • ElectriTek2020
  • Welcome
  • Why EngiTek 2020?
  • Dates
Welcome to EngiTek 2020
Welcome to the International Congress on Engineering Technologies (EngiTek 2020). This event is intended to represent a major forum for researchers, professionals and students from all over the world to meet remotely to present their latest research results and to exchange new ideas and practical experiences.


EngiTek 2020 main scope includes, but is not limited to the following areas: Communication Systems and Applications; Communication Networks and Applications; Electronic Circuits and Systems; Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation; Biomedical Engineering; Signal, Image and Speech Processing; Nano Science and Technology; Computing Systems and Networks; Energy Systems and Nuclear Engineering; Mechatronics and Embedded Systems; Modeling, Simulation and Engineering Computations; Robotics and Automation Engineering; Power Systems Engineering; Systems and Control Engineering; Thermal Power Systems and Applications; Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer; Mechanical Systems Dynamics, Vibration and Control; Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management; Materials, Design and Manufacturing; Aeronautical Engineering; Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development; Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering;

EngiTek 2020 is planned to feature special sessions, keynote talks and tutorial sessions by leading experts, paper presentations, poster shows, demo shows, discussion panels, as well as other interesting technical activities.


Coming to Jordan represents a unique opportunity to witness the embrace of history and future. As small in area as it is, Jordan has a rich history spanning thousands of years, a history that a tourist can only admire. Places like Petra and the Dead Sea are only examples of the many one-of-a-kind places to visit in Jordan. On top of all that, Jordan, as a peaceful country in a turbulent area, enjoys extreme levels of safety and security. Jordanian people are internationally known for generosity, hospitality and cultural awareness and tolerance.

EngiTek 2020 Conferences

ElectriTek 2020

MechaniTek 2020
Why Take Part in EngiTek 2020?
* EngiTek 2020 is Technically Co-Sponsored by CRC Press/Balkema - Taylor & Francis Group.
Proceedings will be published by CRC Press/Balkema and will be submitted for Scopus indexing.
* Enjoy attending EngiTek 2020 at Faculty of Engineering - Jordan University of Science and Technology (FoE-JUST), in Irbid, Jordan.
* Enjoy moderate registration fees, and register up to two papers for the same registration fee. Students receive substantial registration discounts.
* Have the possiblity to extend and publish your conference papers with some of the top journal publishers.
* Only full paper submissions are allowed at all our conferences. No summary or abstract submissions are allowed. Conference topic coverage includes the most current and exciting fields of knowledge and research.
* Papers can be accepted to our conferences only after rigorous peer reviewing.
* Our outstanding reviewing process is facilitated by careful selection of technical program committee members from among the best international experts. Each submitted paper is subject to no less than two peer reviews before it can be considered for acceptance.
* Published papers of EngiTek 2020 are indexed by Google Scholar. More indexing is on the way.
* At each conference, and based on paper review scores, the paper with the highest scores receives the Best Paper Award. This is an award to which only presented papers are eligible. The best paper award is usually delivered to the presenter of the winning paper at the main conference dinner.
EngiTek 2020 Dates
EngiTek 2020 Days Tuesday - Thursday: 16-18 June 2020
Full Paper Submission Deadline - Extended Tuesday, 5 May 2020
Author Notifications Tuesday, 19 May 2020
Final Paper Submissions Deadline Friday, 29 May 2020
Registration Deadline Friday, 29 May 2020
Registration Cancellation Deadline Thursday, 4 June 2020
EngiTek 2020 Submissions
ElectriTek 2020
Electrical Engineering and Technologies
ElectriTek 2020 Paper Submissions Closed
MechaniTek 2020
Mechanical Engineering and Technologies
ElectriTek 2020 Paper Submissions Closed
EngiTek 2020

Event Submissiions
Are you preparing a paper to submit to EngiTek 2020?
If so, please help the organizing committee make good predictions about the potential size of EngiTek 2020 participation. To do so, please indicate your plan to submit a contribution by clicking here. This does not imply any commitment on your side. Kindly note that clicking the above link does not involve submission of any contribution.
  • Tracks
  • Chairs
  • CSC
  • TPC
  • Reviewers
  • Statistics
  • CRC Press Books
  • BME
ElectriTek 2020 Tracks
Welcome to the 1st International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Technologies (ElectriTek 2020). This is a member conference of the International Congress on Engineering Technologies (EngiTek 2020).
The scope of ElectriTek 2020 is organized into the following conference tracks:
Communication Systems and Applications
Communication Networks and Applications
Electronic Circuits and Systems
Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation
Biomedical Engineering
Signal, Image and Speech Processing
Nano Science and Technology
Computing Systems and Networks
Energy Systems and Nuclear Engineering
Mechatronics and Embedded Systems
Modeling, Simulation and Engineering Computations
Robotics and Automation Engineering
Power Systems Engineering
Systems and Control Engineering
Clicking any of the above tracks links reveals links to view track topics and track committee, and links to submit contributions.
ElectriTek 2020 Technical Program Committee (TPC)

ElectriTek 2020 TPC Members

Dr. Abdallah Ababneh Yarmouk University Jordan
Prof. Ahmad Ababneh Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Qammer Abbasi University of Glasgow UK
Dr. Bilal H. Abed-Alguni Yarmouk University Jordan
Dr. Hatim G. Abood University of Diyala Iraq
Dr. Ali Abu Odeh Abu Dhabi Polytechnic UAE
Dr. Rabie Abu Saleem Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Amjad Abu-Baker Yarmouk University Jordan
Dr. Ahmad Abuelrub Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Said Abushamleh University of Arkansas at Little Rock USA
Dr. Anamika Ahirwar Compucom Institute of Information Technology and Management India
Prof. Noura Aknin Université Abdelmalek Essaadi Morocco
Prof. Salih Akour University of Jordan Jordan
Prof. Mohammed Al Salameh Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Muntasir Al-Asfoor University of Al-Qadisiyah Iraq
Dr. Mohammed Al-Hayanni University of Technology Iraq
Dr. Hussein Al-Masri Yarmouk University Jordan
Dr. Intisar Al-Mejibli University of Information Technology and Communications Iraq
Dr. Anwar Al-Mofleh Al-Balqa Applied University Jordan
Dr. Ahmad N. Al-Omari Yarmouk University Jordan
Dr. Nedhal Al-Saiyd Applied Science University Jordan
Dr. Khaled Al-Shboul Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Prof. Abdulgani Albagul College of Electronic Technology Baniwalid Libya
Prof. Saher Albatran Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Manuel Alcazar-Ortega Universitat Politecnica de Valencia Spain
Prof. Md Shahjahan Ali Islamic University Bangladesh
Dr. Zainab Rami Alomari Ninevah University Iraq
Dr. Munthear Alqaderi Self-Employed Oman
Dr. Ahmad Alsabbagh Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Islam Alyafawi Atos Österreich Austria
Prof. Mohamed Atef Assiut University Egypt
Prof. Wahbi Azeddine Université Hassan II - Casablanca Morocco
Dr. Gökay Bayrak Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi Turkey
Dr. Mehdi Bigdeli Isalimc Azad University of Zanjan Iran
Prof. Francesc Burrull Universidad Politecnica de Cartagena Spain
Dr. Domenico Ciuonzo Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II Italy
Dr. Ahmad Dagamseh Yarmouk University Jordan
Prof. Nihad Dib Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. A. Oualid Djekoune Centre de Développement des Technologies Avancées Algeria
Prof. Gordana J. Dolecek Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica Mexico
Dr. Yazan Dweiri Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Dimitrios Efstathiou International Hellenic University Greece
Dr. Mohamed Emad Farrag Glasgow Caledonian University UK
Dr. Alfonso Fernandez-Vazquez Instituto Politécnico Nacional Mexico
Dr. Mehdi Gheisari Islamic Azad University Iran
Dr. Elias Giacoumidis Dublin City University Ireland
Prof. Waclaw Gudowski Royal Institute of Technology Sweden
Dr. Zoubir Hamici Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Jordan
Dr. Arsalan Hekmati Niroo Research Institute Iran
Dr. Saleh Hussin Zagazig University Egypt
Dr. Dahaman Ishak Universiti Sains Malaysia Malaysia
Dr. Mohammad Ayoub Khan University of Bisha Saudi Arabia
Dr. Pavel Loskot ZJU-UIUC Institute China
Dr. Raja Mahmou Université Cadi Ayyad Morocco
Dr. Yahia Makableh Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Omar Hazem Mohammed Northern Technical University Iraq
Dr. Anand Nayyar Duy Tan University Vietnam
Prof. Sara Paiva Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo Portugal
Dr. Faizan Qamar Boston University
Dr. Qasem Qananwah Yarmouk University Jordan
Prof. Omar Ramadan Eastern Mediterranean University Cyprus
Prof. Càndid Reig Universitat de Valencia Spain
Dr. Katsumi Sakakibara Okayama Prefectural University Japan
Prof. Khalil Sayidmarie Ninevah University Iraq
Dr. Saman Shojae Chaeikar Khaje Nasir Toosi University of Technology Iran
Dr. Mohammad Siam Isra University Jordan
Prof. Issam Smadi Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Ali Sodhro Linkoping University Sweden
Prof. Iickho Song Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea
Dr. Prabakar Srinivasan Dr. N.G.P. Institute of Technology India
Dr. Ales Svigelj Institut "Jozef Stefan" Slovenia
Dr. Milad Taleby Ahvanooey Nanjing University China
Prof. Ghassan Tashtoush Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Andreas Tsigopoulos Hellenic Naval Academy Greece
Dr. Plamen Z. Zahariev University of Ruse Bulgaria
Mr. Syed Mohammad Abbas Zaidi NED University of Engineering and Technology Pakistan
ElectriTek 2020 Reviewers

ElectriTek 2020 Reviewers

Dr. S. Majid Abdoli Sahand University of Technology Iran
Dr. Mohammed A. M. Abdullah Ninevah University Iraq
Dr. Bilal H. Abed-Alguni Yarmouk University Jordan
Dr. Hatim G. Abood University of Diyala Iraq
Dr. Ali Abu Odeh Abu Dhabi Polytechnic UAE
Dr. Amjad Abu-Baker Yarmouk University Jordan
Dr. Ahmad Abuelrub Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Prof. Salih Akour University of Jordan Jordan
Dr. Bilal Al Momani Trent University - Durham Campus Canada
Dr. Mohammed Al-Hayanni University of Technology Iraq
Dr. Intisar Al-Mejibli University of Information Technology and Communications Iraq
Dr. Hassan Kamel Al-Musawi University of Kufa Iraq
Prof. Saher Albatran Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Raad Alhumaima Brunel University UK
Prof. Maha Ali Cairo University Egypt
Prof. Md Shahjahan Ali Islamic University Bangladesh
Prof. Abdelmegid Mahmoud Allam German University in Cairo Egypt
Dr. Mohammed Almomani Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Zainab Rami Alomari Ninevah University Iraq
Dr. Kutubuddin Ansari Sejong University Korea
Dr. Shariq Aziz Butt Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences Pakistan
Prof. Nihad Dib Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Dimitrios Efstathiou International Hellenic University Greece
Dr. Silvia Gaftandzhieva Plovdiv University Bulgaria
Dr. Meysam Ghahramani Shiraz University of Technology Iran
Dr. Abbasali Ghorban Sabbagh Quchan University of Technology Iran
Prof. Tzung-Pei Hong National University of Kaohsiung Taiwan
Dr. Saleh Hussin Zagazig University Egypt
Dr. Evangelia Karagianni Hellenic Naval Academy Greece
Dr. Mohammad Ayoub Khan University of Bisha Saudi Arabia
Dr. Ruba Khnouf Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Prof. Oleksandr Kogut O.Ya. Usikov Institute for Radiophysics and Electronics of the NAS of Ukraine Ukraine
Prof. Ghulam Muhammad Kundi Gomal Univeristy Pakistan
Dr. Veli Tayfun Kılıç Abdullah Gül Üniversitesi Turkey
Dr. Pavel Loskot ZJU-UIUC Institute China
Prof. Iman Mahdy Al-Azhar Univercity Egypt
Dr. Yahia Makableh Jordan University of Science and Technology Jordan
Dr. Husam Mohammed University of Baghdad Iraq
Dr. Anand Nayyar Duy Tan University Vietnam
Dr. Muhammad Tabish Niaz Sejong University Korea
Prof. Amjad Omar American University of Ras Al Khaimah UAE
Dr. Hassan Pakarzadeh Shiraz University of Technology Iran
Dr. Vijayakumar Ponnusamy SRM Institute of Science and Technology India
Dr. Montasir Qasymeh Abu Dhabi University UAE
Prof. Omar Ramadan Eastern Mediterranean University Cyprus
Dr. Sree Ranjani Rajendran Indian Institute Of Technology Madras India
Dr. Katsumi Sakakibara Okayama Prefectural University Japan
Dr. Ziad Salem JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH Austria
Dr. Salem Sati Misuratu University Libya
Prof. Khalil Sayidmarie Ninevah University Iraq
Mr. Anil Kumar Shukla Indian Institute of Technology (Banaras Hindu University) India
Dr. Mohammad Siam Isra University Jordan
Dr. Ali Sodhro Linkoping University Sweden
Prof. Iickho Song Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Korea
Dr. Ales Svigelj Institut "Jozef Stefan" Slovenia
Dr. Csaba Szabó Technical University of Košice Slovakia
Dr. Kento Takabayashi Okayama Prefectural University Japan
Mr. Sundararajan Thirumalai University of Cambridge UK
Dr. Andreas Tsigopoulos Hellenic Naval Academy Greece
Dr. Vinod Kumar Verma Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology India
Dr. Safwan Younus Ninevah University Iraq
Dr. Plamen Z. Zahariev University of Ruse Bulgaria
ElectriTek 2020 Statistics

Conference Editions


Submitted Papers


Published Papers


PS Percentage

CRC Press Books on Electrical Engineering and Technologies
Book authors and/or editors are needed in the (Electrical Engineering and Technologies) area, to be published by CRC Press under the book series (Prospects in Electrical Engineering: P-Electrical).
If interested, please click here.
ElectriTek 2020 Track on
Biomedical Engineering (BME)

BME track topics include, but are not limited to the following:

Artificial Organs; Behavioral Modeling; BioMEMS and Microfluidics; Biomaterials; Biomedical Electrical Safety; Biomedical Electronics; Biomedical Imaging Systems; Biomedical Robotics; Biomedical Sensors; Biomedical Signal Processing; Bionanotechnology; Cardiovascular Biomechanics; Computed Tomography; Embedded Medical Devices; Laser/Light Tissue Interaction; Material-Tissue Interaction; Respiratory Systems; Sports and Occupational Biomechanics; Therapeutic and Prosthetic Devices; Tissue Engineering; Tissue and Cell Mechanics
BME TPC BME Paper Submissions
Closed on Tuesday, 5 May 2020
EngiTek 2020 Visits: 28589||ElectriTek 2020 Visits: 14576||BME Track Visits: 189